Friday, June 20, 2014

Simplicity Creates Such Happiness

 Happiness-- one word with a meaning bigger than the tallest skyscraper or all bodies of water combined. It is as big as life itself, after all isn't our goal in life to obtain Happiness?

I know I find Happiness in the most simplest of things. 
Happiness is all around us, I find it in a song that captures my soul, a smile from a stranger that completely lifts my spirits, watching the wind make the leaves dance beneath my feet, taking a road trip to nowhere, or the look of innocence on someone's face as they steal a glance at the one they love. 

I hate to feel that I'm not living the life I've always dreamed of living. I hate to feel the regret of turning down an opportunity or experience. We are only given one life, and I want to make the best of it. I want to enjoy every little thing-- every crisp breeze, every splash of the ocean waves, every flutter of every butterfly spinning around in my gut.

Sometimes you truly don't have the control over events in your life, but why not find the silver lining? I don't want to dwell on the negative and have it swallow me whole. I want to fight negativity and slay it like the beast it is. The road will continue if you allow it, and if you don't like where it is heading then take a new turn or pave your own road. 

-Nicole xx

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