Sunday, February 15, 2015

She's Back!

Hello everyone<3
So I have been MIA for quite some time now and there has been some really big changes in my life lately. However, as a blogger/writer that is no excuse for my lack of writing so I'm back and ready to type!

I have to be honest, I was scared to write a new post... I wasn't sure how to explain myself but then I came to the realization that I don't need to explain myself. I just need to be honest. Therefore, I am writing this for myself and I hope you all can give me the benefit of the doubt here. Whether you know me in person or you have read my earlier posts, you know that I was married to Trevor. We are no longer together and what happened between me and him is between us but it was a decision we both discussed and wanted to make together.

I don't regret getting married or marrying him, at that time in my life its what I wanted and I was happy with my life then and I am happy with my life now. I don't regret any choices I have made. We just weren't meant to be together forever. Being married to Trevor taught me so much and I wouldn't take it back.

I will admit the holidays were rough this past year. I felt lonely and I wasn't really sure what I was supposed to do. Then someone stumbled into my life, while I was busy making plans to move off to a big city somewhere, preparing to work multiple jobs and still live off of Top Raman noodles. I was scared for a new relationship and of course, I cared way too much about what everyone else was going to think of me. But allowing others' judgement and opinions stop me from being with an awesome guy who makes me smile was complete bullshit.  So, on January 1, 2015 mine and Austin's story officially began underneath the fireworks in Vegas.

A month later, my greyhound Arya and I moved from our small city to a slightly bigger city to live with my boyfriend, our fantastic roommates and a pack of hounds. Its never boring in our house and the happiness levels are through the roof. I predict some vlogs on my neglected YouTube channel in the near future, so prepare yourselves now.

I am also planning weekly blog posts, so fingers crossed I can commit to this, but I am a writer after all and procrastination is the strongest skill listed on my personal resume. What are some things you would like to see in my blog? Let me know and I will do my best to include them all.

Until next time,
Nicole xx

P.S I forgot to mention that not only am I back but I'm back with a bitchin new haircut! And also I found it irritating that while I was writing this post, I couldn't use emojis... That sentence alone explains so much about me... anyway here's a selfie for you all to enjoy: