Sunday, February 16, 2014

Live by: Honesty

I got to talking to a client Saturday who gave me some words of inspiration. I commented on an adorable bag she was carrying as she reached to pull out her wallet. It had a quote about being brave plastered to the bottom. She smiled at my compliment and began to tell me why it was so special to her.

She explained to me that she chooses a word every year and focuses her decisions, actions, and choices on that specific word.  I instantly thought this was such a clever idea. So I got to thinking "What word would I choose?"

I took this Sunday to consider many words and I finally found myself content with the word "Honesty." It's not like I'm a person who lies all the time, but I find myself trying to conceal the truth in order to make situations seem like they are something that they are not. I want to take in all aspects of life-whether they are good or bad. My goal is to be honest with myself, as well as with others.

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1 comment:

  1. I absolutely love this. You are such a beautiful writer.
