Thursday, July 16, 2015

Introducing justagirlwriter

I have officially been the proud owner of this blog for over a year now and I realized a few things... First, I didn't write nearly as much as I intended to. Second, I started my blog without knowing what it was going to be. Third, I was a completely different person than I am now.
When I first started my blog I thought it was going to be a beauty blog since I was in Cosmetology school but it didn't feel right. And in attempt to fix this whole not writing enough issue, I'm really trying to commit to a weekly post. Let's see if I can finally keep up on it. Fingers crossed everyone! 

Now, I have embarked on a brand new adventure with my boyfriend Austin, our roommates Connor and Becca and of course our pups Arya, Noodle and Sam. The gang and I have decided to trade our Cali sunshine for some cactus and slot machines. That's right folks we packed our bags, loaded up the U-Haul and moved to Fabulous Las Vegas, Nevada. With this new adventure and realistically new life I decided a new blog name was only fitting so welcome to my improved blog: justagirlwriter

justagirlwriter is now just a place where I can record my thoughts, feelings, adventures and all other parts of my life including my job as a barista at Starbucks and my role as a greyhound mom. It may not always be interesting but it will be me and that's all it really needs to be. I hope you will enjoy my future entries and maybe even share them with a friend or family member.  


Until next time!
-Nicole xx

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