Monday, August 3, 2015

Letter to July

Hi Guys! I'm going to try and make this intro short, sweet and to the point. Here it goes: I recently discovered an amazing Youtuber/Filmmaker named Emily Diana Ruth. I heard about her through my favorite Youtuber Essiebutton and I fell in love with Emily's series Letters to July. Even though July has come and past, I thought I would really like to give it a shot on here. So here is my personal version of a letter to July. I encourage others to write one, even if it's just for yourself and I also encourage you to check out both of these incredible women if you haven't already.

Dear July,

I am Nicole and I've always been Nicole but the Nicole I am this July, in 2015 is different than any others you have encountered in the past. Before, I have spent the month of July dreaming. Dreaming about a different life, in a different place, as a different person. And this year, July, you have given me courage. 

Courage to move to a new state away from my family and friends, courage to live on my own with new best friends and pay my own bills.  You gave me the courage to start over and begin a new life. Including, starting a new job where I brew coffee and make sure the residents of Summerlin have their Venti, iced, quad, nonfat caramel macchiatos before they head into work. I have a new apartment and a new room. A new room where sleeping doesn't feel the same, but luckily work tires me out enough. 

Most importantly, July, you have given me a new outlook on life. Everything can change in a split second. Chapter One ends and flows into Chapter Two without notice and you just have to go with it. My Chapter Two has begun and I'm taking it on with every ounce of strength in order to gain every ounce of happiness I can contain. Thank you, July, for being difficult and uncomfortable and perfectly what I needed. You leave me with a new feeling of accomplishment and I can't wait to see what you hold in store for me next year.

Nicole xx

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